"O" is a talented photographer in her late twenties with a promising career ahead of her. She is torn, however, between the tasks financial realities are forcing upon her and between her own artistic aims. Encouraged by her boyfriend, Rene, "O" decides that she should pursue her artistic passion without reservation, setting aside financial realities until she has completed her very beautiful, avant-garde book of original photos. In hopes of enabling "O" to focus her energies on the book, Rene introduces her to a mysterious benefactor, the wealthy and powerful Sir Stephen. What starts out as a promising arrangement, turns out to be self-destructive for "O". She allows outside influences to corrupt her artistic vision, as she is drawn into a seductive world of deceit, power, and eroticism.
杰克(爱德华•伯恩斯 Edward Burns 饰)是一个千术高明的骗子,加上他的英俊长相,行骗屡获成功。这天,杰克和他的朋友打起了会计师温斯顿(达斯汀•霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)的主意,他们伪装成一个艺术团体,轻而易举地从温斯顿那里骗来了500万美金。岂料杰克得手后,也引来了各种狐朋狗友来分一杯羹,那500万美金很快就都被瓜分干净。
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